How to cast Vote by Postal Ballet Method, Process of Using postal ballot , How to Vote through postal ballot Instructions Postal Ballet request letter / application form12 download

Process of Using postal ballot by Employees, teachers and staff participating in electoral functions Voting by Postal Ballet Method, How to apply for postal ballot, cast the Vote through postal ballot Instructions to employees who are serving election duties and form 12 download . Postal Ballet Voting Method, processs.  Voting is a  voting process, where all electors receive their ballot papers through the post. Depending on the system applied, electors may have to return their ballot papers by post, or there may be an opportunity to deliver them by hand to a specified location. Voting by Postal Ballet Method, Process to Vote through postal ballot Instructions , Postal Ballet  request letter / application form 12 for general elections  download from here.

AP, TS  శాసనసభ/Loksabha  ఎన్నికల కొరకు మీ ఓటరు జాబితాలో మీ ఓటు ఉందో లేదో తెలుసుకొని  ఓటర్ఐ డీ కార్డు / ఎపిక్ కార్డులు డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకోండి
 మీ  ఓటు ను 3 విధాలుగా తెలుసుకోవచ్చు 
1. వ్యక్తిగత వివరాల ద్వారా  
2.  EPIC సంఖ్య ద్వారా 
3 . SMS ద్వారా ఓటు ను గుర్తించ వచ్చు.

ఈ క్రింది లింక్ ద్వారా మీ ఓటును గుర్తించి ఓటర్  ఐ.డి ని డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకోండి

Click here to check your vote in voter list and download voter ID / EPIC ID Card

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Process to Vote through postal ballot 

1. You have a big white cover in the post  Blue cover, pink cover, yellow cover
2. In addition, 13A form and ballot paper comes in
3. Now write the postal ballot number in 13A and sign up with our signature and place it in two places with gazetted and put it in BLUE COVER
4. In the Ballet Paper we have to write WRIGHT ✔ mark on the name of the ballot to put the ballot paper in the PINK COVER
5 These two covers should be placed in the YELLOW COVER
6. All covers should be sealed

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Postal voting Method Brief Intruction : Postal voting is voting in an election whereby ballot papers are distributed to electors or returned by post, in contrast to electors voting in person at a polling station or electronically via an electronic voting system. Historically, postal votes must be distributed and placed in return mail before the scheduled election day, it is sometimes referred to as a form of early voting. It can also be used as an absentee ballot. However, in recent times the model in the US has morphed, in municipalities that use postal voting exclusively, to be one of ballots being mailed out to voters, but the return method taking on alternatives of return by mail or dropping off the ballot in person via secure drop boxes and/or “voting centers.”

Postal voting refers only to the means by which the ballots are submitted, not to the method by which the votes are counted. Election officials may count the votes by processing the mailed-in ballots through electronic voting machines, or may count the votes manually.

To enable as many voters as possible to participate, postal voting can assist people who may not be able to attend a polling station in person, for example because of a physical disability, absence from the locality or some other reason. Postal voting is generally available to voters upon application, sometimes with restrictions. If no reason for a request is required, it may be called postal vote on demand. Postal voting may be an option for voters in some jurisdictions, while in some elections there may be all-postal voting.

ఎన్నికల విధులలో పాల్గొనుచున్న ఉద్యోగులు , ఉపాధ్యాయులు మరియు సిబ్బంది పోస్టల్ బ్యాలెట్ ఉపయోగించుకునే విధానం 

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పోస్టల్ బాలట్ వేసే విధానం 
1. మీకు పోస్టులో ఒక పెద్ద white కవర్లో  blue cover , pink cover ,yellow cover వస్తాయి
2. వీటితో పాటు 13A form మరియు ballot పేపర్ వస్తుంది
3. ఇప్పుడు 13A లో పోస్టల్ బాలట్ నెంబర్ వ్రాసి మన సంతకం పెట్టి గజెటెడ్ తో రెండు చోట్ల సంతకాలు పెట్టించి దానిని BLUE COVER పెట్టాలి
4 .బాలట్ పేపర్ లో మనం ఓటు వెయ్యలనుకొనే ఆభ్యర్తి పేరు వద్ద WRIGHT ✔ మార్క్ పెట్టాలి బాలట్ పేపర్ ను PINK COVER లో పెట్టాలి
5.ఈ  రెండు కవర్లను YELLOW COVER లో పెట్టాలి
6. అన్ని కవర్లను సీల్ చేయాలి

Voting by Postal Ballet Method, Process to Vote through postal ballot Instructions  

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Click here for Postal Ballet request letter / application form 12 for general elections download from here. 

click here for Voting by Postal Ballet Method, Process to Vote through postal ballot Instructions  in telugu