Election Duties for POs and APO Responsibilities, How to connect CU, BU and VVPAT, Important Forms used During Polling Day details in Telugu and English

Election Duties for POs and APO Responsibilities, How to connect CU, BU and VVPAT, Important Forms used During Polling Day details in Telugu and English
Election Duties for POs and APO Responsibilities  in Telugu and English |  A Gist ( Brief Outline) of POs and APOs Duties in Telugu and  English|  Responsibilities  of the Presiding Officer POs and APOs on the day of polling, before the day of polling and after Polling | A Gist (Brief Outline) of PO Duties | A Gist ( Brief Outline) of POs and APOs Duties in Telugu and  English | A Gist (Brief Outline) of PO Duties in English | Suggestions to POs in Telugu |POs and APOs Brief Outline Training Module | How to connect CU,BU and VVPAT | Postal Ballot Instructions | Postal Ballot and Election Duty Certificate ppt | Instructions on use of EVMs |Check List of  Presiding Officer | Important Forms used During Polling Day election-duties-for-pos-and-apo-brief-outline-of-polling-presiding-officers-pos-and-apos-duties-in-telugu-and-english

Check your Vote here Click here to check your vote in voter list and download voter ID / EPIC ID Card

Here in this page we have given a short cut or brief notes in Telugu and English on  POs  and APOs Duties and Responsibilities they have to perform on the day of polling, before the day of polling and after Polling during Election Duty.

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This very brief notes is very useful for the  Presiding Officers and Assisstant  Presiding Officers  just to go through it to know about the duties they have to perform during the day of polling, before the day of polling and after Polling . As the cell Phones are not allowed in the polling booth the Presiding Officer POs and APOs can download the brief notes in Telugu aor English and take a xerox of that copy to have a quick reference during the day of polling if they come across any doubts.

Hope the given below links will help the Polling Officers to make carry on their duties very smoothfully.

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 POs and APOs Brief Outline Training Module

Download for Duties of Presiding Officers 2019 

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Important Forms used During Polling Day

How to Mock poll and EVM Sealing view video, Important Forms, Management of EVM-VVPAT 

Assignment of Duties to Polling Officers

Election monitoring dash Board

Poll Day Management of EVM-VVPAT

EVM-VVPAT Telengana  Electronic Voting Machine(EVM) & Voter

PO’s Check slip

Polling Officers (PO/ APO/ OPO) duties divide at Election Timings ? 

PO Duties 2019 

  1. పోలింగ్ సక్రమంగా జరిగెటట్లు చూసే బాధ్యత పీఓదే.
  2. పోలింగ్ సమయంలో వచ్చే సందేహాలను నివృత్తి చేసే బాధ్యత కూడా పీఓదే.
  3. పోలింగ్ సమయంలో అందరినీ మానిటర్ చేసే బాధ్యత కూడా పీఓదే.
  4. పరిస్థితిని బట్టి శాసనసభ CU కి ఇంచార్జ్ గా కూడా వ్యవహరించాల్సి వస్తుంది.
  5. అంటే ఓటర్ తెచ్చిన పింక్ స్లిప్ తీసుకుని CU లో ఓటు రిలీజ్ చేయాలి.

Elections Duty Employees TA & DA Rates Download 

Download for Duties of Presiding Officers 2019 

Election Duty Officers Training Manual Download

How to Conduct Assembly & Parliament Election Videos in Telugu 

APO duties
మార్క్ డ్ కాపీ ఆఫ్ ఎలక్టోరల్‌ కు బాధ్యుడు ఈయనే.
ఇతను ఓటరు తెచ్చిన ఓటరు స్లిప్ ప్రకారం పేరు,సీరియల్ నెంబర్ బిగ్గరగా చదవాలి.
పురుష ఓటర్ల పేరు కింద అండర్ లైన్ చేయాలి, స్ర్తీ ఓటర్ల పేరు కింద అండర్ లైన్ చేసి,సీరియల్ నెంబర్ వద్ద టిక్ పెట్టాలి.

మొదటి OPO Duties 
ఓటర్ల రిజిస్టరు (17 A)లో ఓటరు సంతకం / వేలిముద్ర తీసుకొని, ఓటరు తెచ్చిన గుర్తింపు కార్డులోని చివరి ఆరు/ నాలుగు అంకెలను వ్రాయాలి.
ఇతనే ఎడమ చూపుడువేలుపై నిలువుగీతను/గుర్తును చెరగని సిరాతో పెట్టాలి.
రెండవ OPO Duties
ఓటరు స్లీప్స్ ఇస్తాడు.
లోకసభకు తెలుపు, శాసనసభకు పింక్ /ఆరెంజ్ రంగులో ఇవి ఉంటాయి.

మూడవ OPO Duties
లోకసభ కంట్రోల్ యూనిట్‌కు భాద్యుడు.
ఇతను ఓటరు తెచ్చిన తెలుపు స్లిప్ తీసుకొని CU లో ఓటు రిలిజ్ చేస్తాడు.

Election Process Points in the form of Question and Answers
During Election Time POs and APOs have to perform many duties and have many responsibilities from the Day Before Election to the end of elction duty on the next day evening. It is natural that there arises many questions related to the duties and responsibilities that they have to perform during those 2 days. It is very important to have a good knowledge on the process of Election Duties performed on that respective day. 

For that the POs and APOs have to go through the module given at Election Duty Training Programme. Even after reading or going through this module several times there may be simple questions in the mind of POs and APOs at the time of performing their duties during polling time…For this small and simple Questions which causes little bit nervousness or tension in POs and APOs , To avoid such feeling in them , Here we are providing the whole Election Duties and Responsibilities Process in the form of Question and Answers, where there are 120 Questions and answers. There is a chance of arising such type of questions in the minds of POs and APOs during polling time, for this, the given below pdf would be much more useful for all the qusestions that arises during performing the duty.

Click here to download Election Process Points in the form of Question and Answers

tags: A Gist (Brief Outline) of PO Duties in English, Suggestions to POs in Telugu, POs and APOs Brief, Outline Training Module, How to connect CU, BU and VVPAT, Postal Ballot Instructions, Postal Ballot and Election Duty Certificate ppt, Instructions on use of EVMs, Check List of  Presiding Officer, Important Forms used During Polling Day